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The European Union published a new version of Decision (EU) 2022/179 on 5GHz wireless local area network equipment (WAS/RLANs) spectrum usage on February 8, 2022. This Decision expands the application scenarios of 5GHz WAS/RLANs and replaces Decision 2005/513/EC issued by European Union in 2005.
The European Union published a new version of Decision (EU) 2022/179 on 5GHz wireless local area network equipment (WAS/RLANs) spectrum usage on February 8, 2022. This Decision expands the application scenarios of 5GHz WAS/RLANs and replaces Decision 2005/513/EC issued by European Union in 2005.
Major Updates
1. The 1.5150-5250MHz band can be used inside buildings, facilities in road vehicles, trains and aircraft. It can also be used in limited outdoors. UAS (unmanned aerial vehicle) operation is only permitted in 5170-5250MHz band as a specific outdoor use case.
2. The proposed technical conditions for the 2.5250-5350MHz band only allow be used in buildings.
The 3.5470-5725MHz band can be used indoors and outdoors, but not includes installations in road vehicles, trains and aircraft. Also, it can’t be used for UAS.
Main Technical Specifications:
015150-5250MHz Parameter Related Technical Specifications
1) Allowable use range: indoors, including installation in road vehicles, trains and aircraft, and limited outdoor use; Usage of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) is limited to the 5 170-5 250MHz band.
2) Equivalent Isotropic Radiation Power(EIRP): ≤200mW
If installed in a road vehicle, or in railway with an average attenuation value of less than 12dB, the maximum EIRP can’t exceed 40 mW.
3) Power Spectral Density (PSD): ≤10 mW/MHz
025250-5350MHz Parameter Related Technical Specifications
1) Allowable use range: It can only be used indoors, and cannot be used in road trucks, trains and planes.
2) Equivalent isotropic radiation power (EIRP): ≤200 mW
3) Power Spectral Density (PSD): ≤10 mW/MHz
035470-5725MHz Parameter Related Technical Specifications
1) Allowable use range: It can be used indoors and outdoors, but cannot be used for road trucks, trains, airplanes and drones.
2) Equivalent isotropic radiation power (EIRP): ≤1 W
3) Power Spectral Density (PSD): ≤50 mW/MHz
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