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What is the difference between FCC certification and UL certification

Release Time:2019-09-16

People engaged in import & export business of North American market are often asked by clients whether certify products with FCC/UL certification or not. So, what is the difference between FCC &UL certification and how to make certification for products exported to North American? This article will answer these questions.

FCC Certification stands for Federal Communications Commission, formed by the Communications Act of 1934. It is an independent agency overseen by the Congress. Most of the wireless-related products, communication devices and digital products must be approved by EMC &FCC Certification before breaking into US market. FCC Certification is compulsory in USA.

UL is short for “Underwriter Laboratories Inc.” UL security institution is the most authoritative institution engaged in safety testing and identification in American. It is an independent, non-profit, professional organization for public safety testing. UL certification is non-compulsory in American mainly engaged in safety testing and certification while EMC testing is excluded.


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