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United States technical regulations and standards related to jewelry Release Time:2021-12-10

The United States has the world's largest market capacity and the world's largest consumer goods market. Since the United States is a country of immigrants, the entire society is a melting pot of nations. Therefore, the needs of the United States market are characterized by diversity, and there are basically no taboos and restrictions on products.  

In recent years, the U.S. diamond market is worth $4.3 billion annually, and colored gemstone is worth more than $370 million annually (excluding pearls and coral).  

At the same time, the United States market attaches importance to quality and brand, especially product safety. Therefore, we must strictly control the quality.


The following is a preliminary introduction to the test items of ASTM

F2999-19 and ASTM F2923-20

Total lead

Restricted object: Paint, coating, substrate

Scope of application: Adult jewelry and children's jewelry

Migration of heavy metals

Restricted object: Paint, coating

Scope of application: Adult jewelry and children's jewelry

Total cadmium

Restricted object: Metal, plastic, polymer

Scope of application: Adult jewelry and children's jewelry

Extractable cadmium

Restricted object: Metal, plastic

Scope of application: Adult jewelry and children's jewelry

Nickel release

Restricted object: Metal

Scope of application: Adult jewelry and children's jewelry

Filled with liquid

Restriction object: Liquid

Scope of application: Adult jewelry and children's jewelry

Mechanical physics and labeling requirements

Restricted object: Finished product

Scope of application: Adult jewelry and children's jewelry


Restricted object: Plastic, coating

Scope of application: Children's jewelry

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