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Did you choose the right tableware for children? Release Time:2021-12-10

Tableware is more than just a tool for serving meals for children. There are many benefits to choosing a good tableware. A set of exquisite cartoon-shaped tableware can increase children's interest in dining and cultivate children's hands-on ability.

However, reports of excessive harmful substances in children's tableware have occurred from time to time

Excessive plasticizer: Harm to the reproductive system and leading to precocious puberty, etc.

Excessive bisphenol A: cause brain dysfunction, precocious puberty, etc.

Excessive heavy metals: lead to heavy metal poisoning, affect the baby’s intellectual development, etc.

Excessive formaldehyde and melamine: induce childhood leukemia, etc.

Facing the dazzling array of tableware types on the market, the advantages and disadvantages of each type of tableware are as follows:

Plastic cutlery

Advantages: Lightweight and resistant to fall

Disadvantages: can not resist high temperature, easy to precipitate toxic substances (plasticizer, bisphenol A)

When buying, check whether the product has an unpleasant smell, and avoid choosing tableware made of PC. When using plastic tableware, do not hold high-temperature food. When the tableware is scratched or matted, replace the tableware immediately.

Imitation porcelain tableware

Advantages: light and thin, heat preservation, not easy to deform, and resistant to fall

Disadvantages: more fakes, melamine is easily dissolved at high temperature

When purchasing, observe whether the color of the product is uniform, whether the surface is smooth, and whether there is any deformation. Buy products from regular manufacturers and do not use high temperature and too greasy foods.

Wooden tableware

Advantages: good heat preservation and drop resistance

Disadvantages: difficult to clean, composite wood products containing adhesives and paints may contain formaldehyde

Purchase and use guide: The simpler the wooden tableware, the safer it is. Never choose a variety with a smooth surface and paint. Wooden tableware is more difficult to clean. You must clean it carefully when using it.

Stainless steel cutlery

Advantages: easy to clean, drop resistant, safer

Disadvantages: fast heat conduction, easy to burn hands, unqualified products easy to exceed heavy metals

Buying and use guide: When Baoma chooses stainless steel tableware,

Optional tableware with plastic outer shell and stainless steel inner layer

It can overcome the high temperature resistance of plastics and the characteristics of fast heat conduction of stainless steel

Glass and ceramic tableware

Advantages: environmental protection, safety

Disadvantages: fragile

When choosing glass and ceramic tableware when buying, it is best to choose the inner surface without patterns and smooth

However, glass and ceramic tableware is fragile, and parents must be accompanied during use. Pay attention to safety.

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