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Introduction on Material Fire Retardant Safety Test Release Time:2022-01-05

Electrical equipment uses fire retardant materials can ensure the equipment operate safely and reliably during the scheduled life. It can reduce possibility of danger, 

Electrical equipment uses fire retardant materials can ensure the equipment operate safely and reliably during the scheduled life. It can reduce possibility of danger, and will not aggravate the spread of flames when there is a fire hazard. Therefore, it is essential to do related test on materials, such as heat resistance test, fire resistance test, ignition resistance test and tracking resistance test. With these test, we can clearly know the possibility of fire in electrical products and effectively regulate fire resistance to ensure consumer safety.

Main test items and standards of fire retardant material testing


Type of Test

Test Standard

Ball Pressure

GB/T 5169.21

IEC/EN 60695-10-2

Needle Flame

GB/T 5169.5

IEC/EN 60695-11-5

Tracking (CTI, PTI)

GB/T 4207

IEC/EN 60112

Glow Wire

GB/T 5169.10

IEC/EN 60695-2-10

GB/T 5169.11

IEC/EN 60695-2-11

GB/T 5169.13

IEC/EN 60695-2-13

Horizontal and Vertical Burning

GB/T 5169.16

IEC/EN 60695-11-10

GB/T 5169.17

IEC/EN 60695-11-20

Burning Test

UL 94



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