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On September 15, 2022, the International Standards Organization (ISO) issued a new version of the standard ISO 8124-1: 2022 Safety of toys-Part 1: Safety aspects related to mechanical and physical properties. The new standard replaces the old version of ISO 8124-1:2018 and its two revised standards ISO 8124-1:2018/Amd 1:2020 and ISO 8124-1:2018/Amd 2:2020.
Compared with the old version, the new version of ISO 8124-1: 2022 is revised as follows:
Clause/subclause/figure/annex | Change |
Clause 2 | Added normative reference ISO 4593 and ISO 868 |
Clause 3 | Modified the following definitions: “pull or push toy”, “resilient material” |
Clause 3 | Definitions alphabetized |
Clause 4 | Standardized the wording of references to Annex B |
Clause 4.4.1 | Limited the exemptions for writing materials such that they do not include removable components |
Clause 4.4.2, 4.5.2, 4.5.7 | Added labelling requirement for retail displays for unlabelled toys without packaging |
Clause, | Eliminated the requirement that the warning be on the product |
Clause 4.11.6 | Specified location of warning |
Clause | Added toys intended to be suspended from a wall or ceiling to the scope Clarified the location of warnings |
Clause 4.11.4 | Removed requirement on information of hazards |
Clause 4.12.2 | Added requirement for safety stop or locking device |
Clause 4.16.1,4.16.3 | Added options to ventilation requirements |
Clause 4.22 | Added labelling requirement for protective equipmen |
Clause 4.23 | Added new speed limitations for electrically-driven ride-on toys |
Clause 4.26 | Added examples to clarify scope of requirements |
Clause 4.27 | Modified warning requirement and clarified location of warning |
Clause 4.29 | Added requirement for pull or push toys Specified location of warning |
Clause 4.30.2 | Specified location of warning |
Clause 4.31.2 | Specified location of warning |
Clause 4.37 | Added requirements for functional toys |
Clause 4.38 | Added requirements for toys intended to come into contact with food |
Clause 4.39 | Added requirement for inflatable toys |
Clause 5.10.2 | Added reference to ISO 4593 |
Figure 35 | Modified dimensions |
Clause | Clarified reference to test method for pull or push toys |
Annex B | Removed the location of warnings (now in Clause 4) Standardized references to Clause 4 |
Annex B B.2.3 | Added a non-technical note about the graphical symbol |
Annex B.2.6, B.2.10, B.2.12, B.2.13, B.2.14, | Added example warning |
Annex B.2.18 | Modified example warning |
Annex B.2.24 | Added new clause with warnings for flying toys |
Annex B.3.7 | Added new clause for instructions of projectile toys |
Annex B.3.8 | Added new clause for instructions of toy bicycles |
Annex B.3.9 | Added section addressing instructional literature for scooters |
Annex B.3.10 | Added section addressing instructional literature for remote-con-trolled flying toys |
AGC reminds relevant enterprises to pay attention to the new developments of relevant regulations and standards on toy products in a timely manner, fulfill corresponding obligations, and submit products for inspection regularly to effectively prevent subsequent risks.
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