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UN38.3 eighth edition standard released Release Time:2024-01-12

The 11th session of the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (December 9, 2022) adopted a set of revisions to the seventh revised edition of the Manual of Tests and Criteria (including Amendment 1) New amendments were made and the 8th revised edition of the Manual of Tests and Criteria was released on November 27, 2023.

In Chapter 38.3, the main changes in the new version are as follows:

1. Add sodium-ion battery testing terms;

2. Modified the test requirements for integrated battery packs:

For an integrated battery pack not equipped with overcharge protection, if it is designed for use only as a component of another battery, device or vehicle that is provided with overcharge protection:

- Overcharge protection needs to be verified in other batteries, devices or vehicles;

-Charging systems without overcharge protection must be protected from use by a physical system or program control.

Comparison of test differences between sodium-ion batteries and lithium-ion batteries:

(1) Sodium-ion batteries do not need to undergo T.8 forced discharge test;

(2) For sodium-ion batteries or sodium-ion single-cell batteries, the batteries are fully charged during the T.6 squeeze/impact test.

Sodium battery UN38.3 test standard sample delivery requirements:

●Single cell: 20 pcs

●Single-cell battery: 18 batteries, 10 cells

●Small battery pack (≤12Kg): 16 batteries, 10 cells

●Large battery pack (>12Kg): 8 batteries, 10 cells

Link to the original announcement:


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